Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things that I Miss/Valentines Day Party

Yes, it has been too long since my last post...
This is partly my own fault and partly the fault of bad luck (regrettably a part of almost every traveler's experience I must say). The good news is I now have a functioning computer in my dorm again, and my connection to the world feels rekindled once more. But fortunately, the bad luck of my computer crashing was merely a tiny road bump on a long trip that still lies ahead.
Since it's been roughly three weeks since my last post, I thought it would be fun to post a randomness of pictures from the Valentine's Day Party (and one picture from the Austrian fiesta...hosted by two awesome Austrian girls), while making a list of the top twelve things that I miss most in The United States. Think of it as a brief Norway collage- something to get you caught up quickly in a cluttered sort of way. And so, may I present to you my top twelve list of things that I miss most (and enjoy the pictures of course)...

Top Twelve Things I Miss the Most in the U.S.A. (the order is not precise except for number 1)

1) My family, friends and girlfriend
2) Beef- good affordable beef
3) A dentist that works more than once a week
4) Pancakes and waffles smothered in maple syrup
5) People saying thank you when you hold the door open for them
6) My truck
7) A microwave
8) Ounces, Pounds, Miles, Yards, Feet, Inches, Fahrenheit
9) Signs written in English
10)Newspapers written in English
11)A six pack that costs less than 16 dollars (or a beer in the club that costs less then $10)
12)My cell phone

Okay, so after reviewing my post, it's obvious that I require a separate food list entirely. This is not to say that I do not enjoy the food in Norway(just look at one of my earlier posts if you do not believe me). It's just that...well...when I get back home I will savor some things like I have never savored before.

Dylan's Additional List of Food that he Misses
1) Ranch Dressing (where the heck is the ranch! I speak of it as if it is a legend)
2) A home cooked meal prepared by the one and only; my momma
3) A meat-filled, mayonnaise-saturated sandwich, heaping with garnish on sliced American bread
4) Granola Bars (they do not exist in Norway...why god, why?)
5) Mexican food (your a long way away from La Mesa Todo)


  1. You poor thing! How can they not have ranch dressing! I eat it with everything! haha I'll send you some!

  2. LOL! Krystal, my address is...

    Kongsgard Alle 7 202B
    4631 Kristiansand

    Send as much ranch as you want in this direction! HAHA
